25 References
As well as the recommended reading from section 0.3, this section lists everything we’ve cited. Links to librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk
take you to electronic copies (login required) at the University of Manchester, the pages take a few seconds to render but they do appear (eventually).
Bisant, D.B., and J.R. Lyle. 1989. “A Two-Person Inspection Method to Improve Programming Productivity.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 15 (10): 1294–1304. https://doi.org/10.1109/tse.1989.559782.
Chacon, Scott, and Ben Straub. 2014. Pro Git. APress. https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2.
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Hull, Duncan. 2021. “Experiencing Your Future: Open Source Experience.” In Coding Your Future: A Guidebook for Students. University of Manchester; github.com. https://www.cdyf.me/experiencing#opensource.
Hunt, Andrew, and David Thomas. 2004. The Pragmatic Programmer : From Journeyman to Master. Addison-Wesley. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma9917976964401631.
Kemerer, C.F., and M.C. Paulk. 2009. “The Impact of Design and Code Reviews on Software Quality: An Empirical Study Based on PSP Data.” IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 35 (4): 534–50. https://doi.org/10.1109/tse.2009.27.
Kilburn, Tom. 1949. “The University of Manchester Universal High-Speed Digital Computing Machine.” Nature 164 (4173): 684–87. https://doi.org/10.1038/164684a0.
Koskela, Lasse. 2013. Effective Unit Testing : A Guide for Java Developers. Manning. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma992975927122501631.
Martin, Robert C. 2011. The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers. Prentice Hall. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma992975979915601631.
Martin, Robert C., and Michael C. Feathers. 2009. Clean Code : A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Prentice Hall. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma9932638724401631.
McConnell, Steve. 2014. Code Complete. Microsoft Press. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/1r887gn/alma992978502320501631.
Spinellis, Diomidis. 2003. Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective. Addison Wesley. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma9923748654401631.
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Stephens, Rod. 2015. Beginning Software Engineering. 1st ed. Wrox Programmer to Programmer. Wrox. https://www.librarysearch.manchester.ac.uk/permalink/44MAN_INST/bofker/alma992981777465201631.